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A/V screening @Errant Sound Art space in Berlin
14 Dec 2019

The "Agnus Dei" is an audiovisual environment that investigates the concept of submission of the individual who seeks physical and mental pleasure achieved within almost spiritual elevation, free from the individual who prostrates himself in pain.
The video fragments were treated with the data bending technique, leaving the audio error applied to the video gives a distorted and glitch aesthetic to the visual layer.

Liminal State of the Sea
Mostra Collettiva "Com'è profondo il mare" 
@Pubblicittà Trapani
12 Oct - 12 Nov 2019

Una mostra incentrata sul concetto di art crawl (ossia di arte in stile libero) che si propone di esaltare gli artisti dei nostri giorni e stimolare un incontro tra questi e il pubblico.

Lilian Lilith Rosso(pittura)
Gaspare Occhipinti (scultura)
Michela Forte (fotografia)
Valeria Di Sabato (sound and media art)
Vincenzo Rinaudo (performance)


Regia e montaggio

Vito Sugameli

Lo screening A/V presentato è il risultato della ricerca sonica e visiva generativa delle componenti acquatiche.


Le riprese subacquee sono state post prodotte cosi come sono state processate diverse tecniche di sintesi i campionamenti della baia di San Vito Lo Capo in Sicilia attraverso idrofono e microfoni ambientali.

Frag_mented underwater
A/V mapping installation
@(T)Raum Sound Art space in Milan
Oct-Nov 2016

This project investigates the convergence of earth state and marine environment through recordings with hydrophones (microphones for underwater recordings) and their manipulation is both melodic and natural through granular synthesis.
The project reveals the myth of Jacques Benveniste and his study of the molecular phenomena of water and the mnemonic effect of its molecules, which preserve the memory of the antibodies with which they were in contact.

A mnemonic quality, which is turned into a digital signal.
Valeria Di Sabato cites Benveniste to speak of water as a container of all, as an organic flow of memory.

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